Monday, December 3, 2012


I have been taking pictures throughout the semester for my Educational Technology class. We had some pretty random topics, so if you are interested you can check out my Flickr account. One topic that we were supposed to take pictures of was Fargo. I took a couple, but I really wanted to take a picture of someone walking around outside in ankle deep snow with nothing more than shorts and a sweatshirt on. I think that would depict Fargo nicely, don't you?

Exploding Box

This is an Exploding Bod that we created in our educational technology class.. We used four 12X12 card stock paper sheets to  create this box. The inside of the box is glued together by the base of the box and all the other pages are not attached in any way.

There are many different ways that this can be used in your classroom. One way would be to create a fun story. Each page could have a little picture and some words to describe the picture. Students could put mini pictures on each page, or this could be a collection of all their work over the year. For example, they could put their iSpy picture on one page and a poem that they wrote on another. they could put a picture of their family and friends on two more pages, and write about themselves for yet another page. The possibilities are endless!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

NETS Standards for Teachers and Students

NETS standards set regulations on what teachers should know and how they should act in the professional setting. According to the NETS standards, teachers must use their knowledge to facilitate student learning, they must create new learning experiences for their students, they must be professional, they must exhibit legal and ethical behavior while at work and in front of students, and they must continue to improve and learn.  The NETS standards encourage teacher knowledge of the latest technology to enter into the classrooms.

I am going to make sure that my students and I possess the skills to be successful in a few ways. I will attend every presentation and discussion on the latest technological advancements in the classroom. I will study and work with the material before introducing in to the classroom. I will give my students a tuitorial on how to use this new technology. If I get confused I will not hesitate to ask a coworker or even a student, if they understand the technology better than I do.

For more information on  NETS Standards you can visit their website and explore it for yourself!

Friday, November 30, 2012

iPads in the Classroom

iPads are becoming increasingly popular in the classroom. Teachers are finding that there is so much more their students can do than they could without an iPad. Students can take notes on their iPads and add their own touch by drawing on their notes. There is a website that lists 20 educational apps for iPads that teachers are using more and more in the classroom. Some of the programs include eClicker (a way of polling students), Teacher's Assistant Pro (track student behaviors), gFlashPro (quizes, flash cards, stores images and audio, and more), and Pages (create handouts, tests, quizzes, assignments, notes and presentations). You should really check out 20 Amazing iPad Apps for Educator for more information!

Instagram Images

We created instagram images in our educational technology class. Here is a link to the website that I used to create these Instagrams. You can cut these out after printing them and attach them to a tile with mod podge. Then you can glue a magnet to these and hang them anywhere magnetic. This is also a cool idea for a project that your students can work on and give to their parents!


This is a cupcake we made in my educational technology class. First I used the quick selection tool to delete the background and the paint bucket tool to change the color of the cupcake. Then I selected the gradient tool to create the rainbow. I saved this as a ping file so there will be no background showing.

Discovery Education Puzzlemaker

My friend and I created a tutorial for the website  Discovery Education Puzzlemaker. This is a great website to use to create fun puzzles for your students that are specifically designed towards your lesson. You can also have students or parents create puzzles for each other. Here is the link to our Education Puzzlemaker Tutorial. Enjoy!